



影片很长一段时间里,男女主以及另一个长脸男(抱歉因为实在没有名字也不知道如何恰当的指认每个角色)的关系是暧昧不明的。一种在世俗伦理框架下最偷懒的解说方式,就是女主和长脸男是夫妻或公开的情侣;男主无论是女主的地下情人,还是单方面勾引女主,都是以游离于普罗价值体系之外的方式和女主发生角色上的关系。 但到比较后期的时候,男主在对话里询问女主,那个长脸男和你是什么关系。是丈夫?还是爱人?从这个时候...

Bad Weather In Yakima

知道今晚的暴雨还是在几天之前。周二还是周三下班后,他一如往常开着那辆破旧的小货车回家。在最拥堵的时段挤出地下停车场后,小货车冒着烟蠕动在红绿灯之间的楼宇中。那个下午天气好得离谱,天上没有半点云。堵在桥上的时候,湖面上跳跃的波光不停地往车窗里面蹿,就在这个时候,车里的广播告诉他 Yakima 地区有雷暴和山洪警告,让往来的车辆注意避让。尽管他住的小岛上确实连年降雨丰沛,可这样的晴空下还是很难想...






关于好莱坞往事 看预告片的时候我也一度以为这将会是另一部《好莱坞往事》。看上去同样也是讲好莱坞的那些纸醉金迷和电影发展历史中的人来人往,甚至同样也有布拉德皮特和玛格丽特罗比领衔,似乎别无二致。但看完之后觉得达米安这次和昆汀三年前那部简直是两个完全不同的电影。且先不提时代背景的不同(昆汀那部着眼于通心粉西部片和波兰斯基《罗斯玛丽的婴儿》的六七十年代,而达米安则聚焦于从默片转型有声片的二三...

Me² VS He²

Artistic Advisor

Production Detail Plot When memories fade away, and vows are erased, people may hardly recognised who they were. After 9 years apart, a business merge negotiation gather a couple, with different p...

Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land

Artistic Advisor

Production Details Plot Reinterpreting the contemporary classic Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land based on the original scripts 30 years ago, the play makes laughters and tears about the concept o...

Romulus the Great

Lead Cast · Assistant Director

Romulus, the very last emperor of Roman Empire, chooses to exterminate this corrupted supremacy and the sinful throne he sits on by setting no defence against the German troops but feeding chicken....

Mumble Jumble

Assistant Director

People nowadays are mindless, pointless mobs: we are not sure about what we need, where to go, how we feel and who we are. Mumble Jumble depicts an allegorical crowd image for our absurd modern soc...

The Pillars of Society

Director · Script Adaption · Stage Designer

Adapted from the Ibsen’s controversial script from 19th Century, The Pillars of Society is a play about positions and choices. Bernick, the most respected entrepreneur in a remote town of Norway ha...

Ménage à 13

Assistant Director · Ensemble Cast Lead

Plot The play discusses about the most pervasive yet uninterpretable thing in the modern world: love. Based on Stan Lai’s renowned scripts and the real incident occured in late 20th Century Taiwan,...